Some thoughts


Why was Szőlőszem founded?

Két Kis Mazsola Non-Profit Kft set up its playhouse to satisfy real demand for the schoolyear of 2010. It provides daytime care for children of creche and kindergarten age from Nagykovácsi, Remeteszőlős and the surrounding settlements and districts in a small, family-like community. This is how Szőlőszem I, II, III Playhouse were born. After these kindergartens became fully utilized, it became necessary to give it an institutional frame and extend it. So, in 2012,Szőlőszem Kindergarten and Creche was opened, reformed.

At present there are three English-Hungarian language groups, divided according to age, furthermore, there is a creche group, operating as a small community.

Thus, children from the age of 1 to 7 years can enjoy the love of Szőlőszem. Attention is given to providing for them depending on age and personality, in addition, the requests of parents are flexibly met when possible.
Our kindergarten programme is built upon the traditional Hungarian educational values and is in harmony with the National Basic Programme of Kindergarten Education. Its main task is to take the following into consideration: age-specific and individual features as well as the different developmental pace of 3-7 year-old children.
Our kindergarten programme is built upon the traditional Hungarian educational values and is in harmony with the National Basic Programme of Kindergarten Education. Its main task is to take the following into consideration: age-specific and individual features as well as the different developmental pace of 3-7 year-old children:
Personality development
Emotional safety
Physical and phsychic needs
Improvement for a healthy personality, the formation of physical, social and intellectual maturity to successfully adapt to school
The prevention of potential troubles at school by the special organization of conditions in kindergarten education.
Development in the fields marked, in our interpretation: support provided by tools that are suitable for children’s maturity process and age, this providing social and physical surrounding for children’s developing somatic and phsychic functions.
In this, the basic feature of the age 3-7 is determining – the basic need for emotional safety, knowledge driven by emotions, thinking along experiences
The physical and mental satisfaction is children’s basic right, the performance of which is our utmost goal.
We put great emphasis on environmental and literary education, physical development and school preparation.
Every month there is a surprise programme for children, which is usually associated with red letter days and traditions. On these occasions, we have adventures outdoors, by showing the world to the chidren that surrounds them.

Besides the colourful, daily bilingual activities, our speech therapist and children’s psychologist help children’s development weekly.

As parts of our programme, we provide extra service such as Charivari, Sport Elf and Story Therapy done by guest instructors.

Children can take part in separate, elected activities such as folk dance, jazz balett, swimming.
We consider it our priority to provide a calm, balanced and peaceful background for the children’s carefree games and everyday activities. As qualified pedagogues take care of the children, there is possibility to develop the children according to their individual needs and interests in the best possible ways.
We strive to implement individual treatment so that the children attending our kindergarten can develop their skills and abilities.

Our mission is to provide quality education and development. We form happy, balanced children who live in harmony with their surroundings and the environment and this is done through games, playfully and by taking individual needs into consideration.As 50% of our knowledge is obtained up to the age of 4, it is clear who we have chosen the following quotation to be our creed:
„We must consider the child’s innocent soul sacred.
What we plant in it should stand all the test.
If we plant something bad in it, we will poison it for good
If we plant good seeds in it, it will keep flourishing all through its life.”
Kodály Zoltán

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