

Our pedagogical work is done on the basis of the Pedagogical Porgramme approved by the educational board and controlling authority. The specifications of this work are as follows:
  • In the course of the daily work we initiate activities that are integrated in playing and games and enhance discovery and creativity. The method is complex and modern, the frame of which is determined by seasons and festivities.
  • In our programme children are educated on the basis of experience, in an action-oriented way where environment-conscious behavioural patterns are priority along with the provision of values and customs.
  • Daily gymnastics is regularly applied in playful motion-development.


Playing is the right way to lead to know the world, therefore we consider it to be a priority to integrate playing, colour and variety in all our activities.



At the shaping of children’s personalities we think that individual treatment, loving and family-like atmosphere is a top prioriry. We listen to children carefully and in an understanding way even if their problems seems to be trivialities. What is most important is that all the children receive personalized attention and care. The love and knowledge that children get from the pedagogues is a supplementary element of family education, therefore we make efforts to listen to the parents’ needs and cooperate with them while educating their children. In lack of appropriate partnership and trust between parents and pedagogues education cannot be efficient enough.


As the professional implementation of our programme depends exclusively on the professional accomplishment and the personality of the pedagogue, as well as their determination to serve the children, we strive to select the pedagogues and their assistants with great care.

For the balanced development of the children, conscious, highly qualified and well-prepared experts who love and respect children are indispensable. They are the ones who know the best developmental ways according to age. We can proudly state that our workmates are pedagogues are one by one of outstanding personalities who continuously train themselves and educate children with respect.

Development and


The advantage of our small groups of children of the same age is that differentiation and individual development are both feasible. We focus on the individual development pace, strengths of children and the fields to be improved. In developing the different partial skills, our pedagogues cooperate with the physiotherapists, speech therapist and psychologist of the kindergarten.

Focus on activities, and


We believe in the strength of experience and make efforts to provide enjoyable, happy, active and colourful days for the children in our kindergarten. They should not only see, but feel and touch the things around them and by getting acquainted with the world they can find their way more easily.

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