A part of the Elf Group has already attended the creche in Szőlőszem, so we can speak about a well-familiarized group. We started getting closer to the English language last year and we are looking forward to the new adventures and tasks awaiting children in the middle group.

The programme called 'FOCISULI' (Football school) of the 'Utánpótlás Futball Club' (Rising Generation Football Club) located in the 2nd District, provides weekly sports facilities for kindergarteners and school children. Keeping up the tradition, we started a football group in October, 2015, in Szőlőszem Kindergarten for children over the age of 4.

The classes contain:

Venue: The gym of the kindergarten

Time: Friday 15:30 – 16:15

Information: 06(30) 247-20-18

Website: www.keruletufc.hu

Regisration: on the sheet found on the message board or by clicking on the Register button

Swimming is one of the most efficient form of moving. It improves the conditioning and coordinating abilities. It thoroughly moves most of the muscle groups at the same time, by giving strength, flexibility and stamina.

The  enjoyable, efficient swimming courses mean a lifetime experience for children.

Instructor: Buborék Úszóiskola (Bubble Swimming School)
Venue: MOM Sport
Time: Tuesday, morning hours

Preparatory therapy is therapy developing the neurological system, developing areas by physical exercise and efficiently help the development of the nervous sytem. It is a method primarily based on elementary movement patterns and the development of movement coordinattion. It is a complex method affecting several areas of the brain.

It helps:

-the correct formation of speech and correct articulation
-findig directions
-the correct process of reading, writing and counting
-strengthening the muscle tone
-helps all areas necessary for learning in a complex way

It effects:

-lack of maturity in case of kindergarteners
-in case of children handicapped or hindered in speech
-in case of children clumsy in moving -dislexia or dysgraphia
-in case of children lacking dominance
-in case of children with attention deficit
-in case of all the children who are not appropriately developing in movement

For appropriate development a weekly two-hour occasion is needed with one hour at a time throughout the schoolterm.
Classes consist of 5-6 children. Before membership there is chek-up.

On the basis of our insitute's creed we are starting a talent support group which is to support the strength and oustanding capabilities of children.

The classes help children acquire knowledge through integrated activities that stimulate all their senses, enhance their imagination and creativity, verbal and social tools.

Children are welcome according to the parents' needs.

Time schedule depends on appointments as need be.

The talent support group consists bof children of 5-7 years of age.

What is children's yoga?

Physical exercise is what stands in the focus of children's yoga classes. Playfulness and stories are integrated in these activities combined with physical exercise. A child's values are based on stories, so great emphasis is put on the story frame of the class. As outside observers we can see drama, with conscious elements of moving, implemented with empathy. The application of moving, games and stories at the same time for 45 minutes.

Its basis is created by motion elements imitating animals' moves, it is gradually made difficult by other consecutive elements. The build-up of all the yoga classes is the same: taking up posture, greeting, warm-up, stretching, bending exercises, series of exercises, exercises helping good posture, great movements imitating animals, exercises crossing and separating limbs, exercises helping the neurological system, rolls, turns, jumping, relaxation, breathing exercises, exercises helping concentration and attention, games of great movements, games improving emotional intelligence, finishing.

I look forward to meeting children from the middle and oldest groups. Szeretettel várom a középsős és nagycsoportos gyermekeket

On Mondays from 15.15 to 16 hours.

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